After Christmas Break, Andrew, Blake and Iain all showed up to lecture and for our meeting, I (Oliver) couldn't attend. But, we have all been working on the group project.
Programming -
Iain and Myself (Oliver) have been working on the Demo of our game, I got the movement system working and am working on the Menu and the Pickup System. So far, Iain has been working on the Attack system and has also created a basic map which we are using free to download textures at the moment, but at a later date, will be swapped out with maps Andrew & Blake will make.
Artwork / Design -
Blake has been working on character designs and sprite sheets, which are accompanied by mood boards for said characters. The player will be able to choose which character they want to play as.
Andrew has been working on designs for Pickups, these pickups will allow the player to get different weapons to attack the other player in game play.