Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Design Process Through The Weeks - Blake Smales

The Design Side

Throughout the weeks, a lot of designs were drawn up for this group project. A lot of the sprites and buttons have a white border around them, which because of the white background on this blog, it does not show up correctly as it does in game. So below are my contributions to the design assets for our game 'BattleSide':

Week one:

These were made in Microsoft Word.

Week two:

The sketches, line-work and colouring were all done in Procreate on my iPad for these drawings.

Week three:

Week four:

Pixel sprites were made in Pixel Studio on my iPad.

Week five:

The mock-up home screen I made to show what the final game might look like.

Week six:

Logo made in Pixel Studio. It was remade from the one in week 5, as I didn't feel it looked right, so the rough diamond shape was made.

Week seven:

The separate assets like trees, clouds and planets were made in Pixel Studio and exported to Photoshop to put it all together for a futuristic battle field vibe.

Week eight:

Sprite sheets made in Pixel Studio as transparent .png files.

Week nine:

All title cards were made in Pixel Studio, they all have a white border around them which can't be seen on this blog, but it can be seen in game.

Week ten:

Also made in Pixel Studio.

Week eleven:

Tiles were made in Photoshop, by scaling down the canvas so the brush was big enough to draw in pixels.

Week twelve: 

I also made explosion animations which are seen when these pickups load on the spawn sites and also when grenades explode, these were made in Pixel Studio as well.

All weapons and sprite pickups were made in Pixel Studio, along with the character select buttons.
All assets and drawings seen in the final game were made by myself in Photoshop, Procreate and Pixel Studio.

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